Sunday, 29 November 2009

Scary Stuff!!

Last night went to see Paranormal Activity, and it got me thinking about scary films and what has frightened me in the past. When I was a kid a lot of things freaked me out, toys, films and even stupid objects. Till this day I still have a fear of balloons and dolls, but as a kid certain hand puppets and even those wooden toys that fell apart when you pushed a button on the bottom scared the hell out of me. My cousin’s collection of toys was terrifying, monsters with chains, heads that the eye balls popped out of and a giant rubber spider. I remember my aunt made my cousins hide the toys when I would come over!!
The films that scared the pants off me would not scare the pants off a normal child. Films like Ghostbusters, Jurassic Park and even Who Framed Roger Rabbit! Well come on who is not a bit scared of demon dogs and Zuul, and that scene were Sigourney Weaver is pulled through her living room on her settee!! And come on a T-rex taking out a toilet block and raptors hunting small children in a kitchen, when I saw that at the cinema I left to go to the loo at least 3 times, my parents had to go see it again because they missed so much of it! So a lot of people do not understand why Roger Rabbit freaked me out so much, I can not understand how kids are not freaked out by it still. It is only one scene, right at the end of the film, but still as a kid I feared reaching the end of the film. One line, one character turns the film evil, well he is the bad guy so you can not blame him for being a bit scary, but getting run over by a steam roller and then changing into an a bald headed, poppy red eyed manic is pant wetting. The line that puts the cherry on top is none over then, “Remember me, Eddie? When I killed your brother, I talked... just... like... THIS!”, its how high his voice is at the end and his eyes popping out his bloody head. Also, just remembered this, when his arm turns into a saw, my god!!
These days it takes a lot to scare me, film wise that is. Paranormal was good, one friend asked me to rate it out of 10 and I said 7, it may have gotten an 8 if it was not for the audience. I hate students, maybe more then chavs!! This group decided that everyone wanted to hear their views “OOOO that was scary” “O MY GOD I jumped then!”. Without this and you replace it with a silent cinema, I think that would have made it that much better, making every scary moment more of a surprise.

Now for a new and maybe continued feature, Jonny’s Final Thought.

“Paranormal Activity has been over hyped but still is one of the scariest horrors in a long time. And when I was a child, I was terrified of paedophiles.”

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